TMS Environment Ltd has significant experience in the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements for the quarrying and extractive industries sector where we have established a strong reputation for quality, reliability and cost-effectiveness.

Particular areas of expertise and experience include noise and vibration, air quality, climatic factors and water quality, hydrology and hydrogeology. TMS can manage the EIA project, conduct much of the technical work and prepare assessment reports in the format and to the degree of completeness required by the EPA and Local Authorities. A summary of the TMS approach to an EIA is presented below.

  • Baseline monitoring—Air quality, water quality, & noise
  • Impact identification from construction and operational phases
  • Impact Assessment of existing activity (if required)
  • Impact Assessment of proposed activity during construction and operation
  • Evaluation of the potential impacts
  • Recommended Mitigation measures
  • Consideration of Best Available Techniques (BAT)

Representative projects completed recently include:

  • Limestone quarry and associated works in Co. Meath
  • Sand and gravel pit and associated works in Co. Kilkenny
  • Cement manufacturing facility, Co. Meath
  • Quarry and coatings plant, Isle of Man
  • Quarry extension and asphalt plant, Co. Cork

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